Greater Joshua Tree’s largest summer arts fair and market, BAZAART NIGHTS, continues with NEW vendors and prizes!
GREATER JOSHUA TREE, CA — With nearly 50 vendors, the Hi-Desert Cultural Center launched the region’s largest summer fair and market, BAZAART NIGHTS, bringing a massive crowd and lots of smiles to the desert this past Friday. Fine artists, crafters, boutique fooderies, jewelers, clothiers, and more came together under one air-conditioned roof in a celebratory environment as they marketed their creations, classes, and offerings to locals and world travelers alike. In an epic, indoor, festival-like space that attracted both the casual customer, the tourist, and the aficionado, fairgoers were treated to an eclectic silent film series, reasonably-priced cold spirits at the bar, a misted “relaxation station,” classic and exotic cars, and outdoor food vendors featuring mouth-watering BBQ, ice cream, and other fun treats to satisfy everyone’s on-site food cravings.
Kix Hot Country FM, a media sponsor of the fair, will continue its LIVE remote broadcasts from the event each night, and this week will be giving away a Family 4-Pack to Six Flags Hurricane Harbor and a pair of tickets to see Willie Nelson & Family live at FivePoint Amphitheatre on October 16th.
These summer bazaar events are held every Friday night from 6-10 pm July 16 through September 3 at the expansive state-of-the-art Yucca Valley Visual & Performing Arts Center located at 58325 Hwy 62, in Yucca Valley.
Interested vendors may send an email to info@yvarts.org for more information or to be placed on the waiting list. The Cultural Center does not take commission from vendor’s sales.
PHOTO CREDIT: Rudi Weislein