Philharmonic to hold open house AUG 15—welcomes returning and interested new musicians
JOSHUA TREE, CA — The Joshua Tree Philharmonic (JPHIL) symphony orchestra will be holding an open house and organizational meeting on Monday, August 15 at 6pm for all returning musicians as well as new musicians interested in joining the orchestra. Under the direction of maestro Jarrod Radnich and reconvening for the first time in over two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the philharmonic is an innovative, intergenerational orchestra known for its epic, eclectic, and inspirational professional performances of classical, contemporary, jazz, and world music.
The August 15 meeting’s purpose is to gauge interest in a possible 2022 holiday concert season. Auditions will not occur at this meeting. Auditions will be held on a date to be announced closer to the onset of rehearsals, which will occur Monday nights beginning in September.
The August 15 organizational meeting will be held at the Hi-Desert Cultural Center’s state-of-the-art Yucca Valley Visual & Performing Arts Center located at 58325 CA-62 in Yucca Valley. All rehearsals and performances will be held at the Cultural Center’s Palmer Performance Hall and Blak Box Theater located in downtown Joshua Tree.
If you or someone you know may be interested in joining the Joshua Tree Philharmonic and would like more information—or if you are a returning musician and would like to participate but cannot attend the August 15 organizational meeting—send an email to info@jtarts.org or call 760.366.3777.